PhD Fellowships from UNITED BOARD

The United Board, a nongovernmental organization, endeavors to respond to the diverse challenges and opportunities facing the universities in Asia, especially where the needs are great. United Board shares its interests in developing institutions that offer multidisciplinary education and that nurture a spirit of compassion, equity, reconciliation, social responsibility, and


April 24, 2018


April 24, 2018



The United Board, a nongovernmental organization, endeavors to respond to the diverse challenges and opportunities facing the universities in Asia, especially where the needs are great. United Board shares its interests in developing institutions that offer multidisciplinary education and that nurture a spirit of compassion, equity, reconciliation, social responsibility, and mutual respect among religious and cultural traditions.

United Board currently focuses on five program areas as leadership development for higher education; faculty development for enhanced teaching, learning, and research; campus-community partnerships; culture and religion in Asia; and special initiatives.

Mr. Marshal Fernanado, Director of the Ecumenical Institute of Colombo and a past student of the Department of Economics, University of Colombo successfully negotiated with the United Board to get a few PhD fellowships to the University of Colombo. He accompanied a United Board delegation headed by its president Dr. Nancy E. Chapman to the University of Colombo on 24th April 2018 to discuss the PhD fellowships for teaching faculty members of the University.

Please visit the following webpage for more information.

The upper age limit for fellowships is 40 years like many similar programs. Still the members of the delegation agreed to consider applications just above this age limit after considering the current institutional requirements.